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LIAA Code of Conduct as of January 2025 (with Board Addenda)

1. Purpose

All members of the Lauder community are expected to uphold the highest ethical standards and practices appropriate to their status as members of the Lauder community. This code provides general guidelines to that effect, and aims to preserve LIAA’s status as a tax-exempt organization.

2. Scope

This Code of Conduct applies to all alumni association members, as well as all graduates, students, faculty, staff, contractors, volunteers, and guests participating in alumni events, communications, and other related activities.


3. Core Values

As students, we were called to look globally, engage locally, and act responsibly. As LIAA, we aim to reflect positively on the Lauder community by upholding the following core values:

Integrity and Professionalism: We conduct ourselves in an honest, ethical, fair and transparent manner. We do not enter into commercial partnerships without due consideration of qualified alternatives (see important CLARIFICATIONS below.).  We embrace accountability by leaning into honest assessment of our actions and results.

Collaboration and Respect: We support each other with respect, fairness and good faith. We engage in a manner that fosters a spirit of community. We treat everyone as we would want to be treated.


4. Expected Behavior

We are expected to:

Promote Inclusivity: Foster an inclusive environment that promotes equal opportunities for all, even when certain events or initiatives may be aimed at certain groups.  Seek out and encourage diverse perspectives.  We are a global community; let’s be mindful and intentional about this. 

Respect Each Other: Listen actively. Be mindful of others’ time.Acknowledge enquiries. Embrace constructive disagreement.  Address any conflicts or disputes with fellow members in a constructive and civil manner.

Communicate Responsibly: Use professional and respectful language in all forms of communication, including social media, email, and face-to-face interactions.  While as individuals we may have opinions, as a group of alumni we are called to neutrality; our personal beliefs should not interfere with fair representation of the mission/purpose of LIAA.

Adhere to Guidelines: Abide by our Privacy Policy and respect the confidentiality of any information shared within LIAA or related to our partners.  Follow the processes, guidelines and rules established for any alumni event or activity.  Be mindful of the event's or activity’s purpose, strategic goals and ripple effects.  Provide accurate information in a timely fashion, in particular when requesting decisions.

5. Prohibited Behavior

The following behaviors are considered unacceptable and will not be tolerated:

Unprofessional Conduct: Engaging in inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to any form of harassment, discrimination or bullying, or any kind of rude, disruptive, offensive, or aggressive behavior; either in person or online.

Misuse of Information: Alums are encouraged to use LIAA’s platforms and events for networking, social and other LIAA sponsored purposes. Sharing, distributing, or using contact details of alumni / any confidential information from our platforms for personal gain, solicitation, or any unauthorized purpose are prohibited. If in doubt or if you feel there has been misuse, please contact LIAA at

Misuse of Access: Using LIAA’s platforms for self-promotion, solicitation, political activities, or  commercial purposes - except as expressly initiated and approved by LIAA (e.g., Lauder Exchange). If in doubt or if you feel there has been misuse, please contact LIAA at 

Illegal or unethical behavior: Engaging in activities that are unlawful, may be seen as a conflict of interest, or in any other way reflect poorly on LIAA or the Lauder community.

6. Reporting

Anyone who feels that the Code of Conduct has been violated should report the incident to the LIAA's leadership team: and/or

Reports will be handled confidentially, and LIAA may seek appropriate guidance to determine proper next steps, if necessary.

7. Amendments

The LIAA reserves the right to modify or update this Code of Conduct as necessary.

8. Acceptance

By participating in the LIAA and its activities, all persons covered under Scope above agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and uphold its principles and values.


re: Commercial Partnerships (Core Values #3, See Board Addenda c) below):

a)     We do not enter into any formal commercial partnership or co-marketing or co-branding.  This applies in general, as well as to alumni and their directly affiliated business interests.  This does not include “single use” vendor or venue contracts. If in doubt, please reach out to or

b)     While acknowledgement of a donation or an event/initiative by a company is OK, advertising (mentioning products & services of the company) or endorsements are never OK.

c)     Lauder Exchange is an appropriate venue for alumni to offer access to their goods and services with a unique discount available to alumni only. The Lauder Exchange site specifically states that LIAA does not endorse, recommend or financially benefit from the posts nor from posting providers. Logos do not appear on Exchange until such a time as someone clicks through.

d)     Similar to b) above, an alum may share their expertise / mention their business as part of a Webinar offered as a donation in kind to LIAA and opportunity for discounted service to alumni. An alum may also share their expertise/mention their business as part of a bio when bio is requested by LIAA for participation in an event/activity/initiative.

re: Misuse of Information(Prohibited Behaviour #5)

e)     There may be occasions which might be considered to warrant reaching out to certain groups of members (such as a memorial, f.ex.).  In situations like these, approval must be sought by contacting LIAA at

re: Misuse of Access(Prohibited Behaviour #5)

f)       There is a difference between one-off vs occasional vs regularly consistent use of LIAA’s social media platforms (e.g. WhatsApp)  There is no issue with someone posting something regarding their business on a LIAA social media platform every so often, but it is not OK to go beyond occasional to regular - anything beyond twice a year would not be OK.

g)     When in doubt, don’t.  If it might be interpreted as pushing an agenda, please refrain. 


Board Addenda to Code of Conduct as of January 2025      

Beyond what is outlined in the Code of Conduct, all members of the LIAA Board, voting and non voting, are expected to:

a)     Be very familiar with the LIAA Operating Model (the OM) and the guidelines, cadences and structures it incorporates.  This is OUR document.

b)     Be familiar with the Board Google Drive and treat it as if it were an LIAA platform as described in the general CofC.

c)     Sign off on our Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest and Privacy Policy once a year at the first board meeting after the new Board members are onboarded. As board members, we are held to higher inurement (avoidance of private benefit to insiders) standards than the rest of LIAA.

d)     Keep in mind we are all volunteers.  Specifically:

i) Formally commit on an annual basis to leading a specific project and to a workload expectation of a minimum of eight hours a month on LIAA work. Commitment to take place by end of January for existing Board Directors or as part of candidacy submission for new Board Directors.  Project to be agreed to by the President and/or the Committee Chair. Any exceptions to be discussed with and agreed upon by the LIAA President and Committee Chair.

ii) During the Board year, should circumstances prevent you from temporarily participating in LIAA, please be proactive and communicate with your Committee Chair, the President and/or the Secretary.

iii) Say/do considerations: We support and encourage candid discussion with the Committee Chair and/or President when there is a perception of mis-matched board member availability and expectations.  Sometimes the “greater good” in service of LIAA is to step aside in recognition of one’s inability to participate as originally anticipated.

iv) Please respond to someone’s email within 48 hours, even if to state that you need more time to respond and will do so by X date.

v) Submit materials that need to be reviewed or acted on in a timely manner (minimum of two business days for all Board materials).

vi) Ensure all communications and materials are succinct, clear and accurate. Read all materials sent carefully so as to be prepared for meetings.  Provide accurate information in a timely fashion, in particular when requesting decisions.

e)     Listen, ask questions and be active in board discussions.

f)      Act constructively and actively beware of silos.

 i) If you are asked a question about submitted materials, acknowledge the request / provide a reply; if appropriate, cc the entire board so we are all informed.

ii) If you are not in agreement with something (e.g. a new process) please offer a constructive suggestion / alternative.

g)     Review copies of any board or committee minutes to ensure that meetings (including board votes) were properly recorded; ask for clarification or changes if in doubt.

h)     Use our own judgment in voting, don’t simply follow someone’s lead - we are elected leaders, with a fiduciary responsibility and called to constructive dissent. 

i)       Speak up if you are concerned about something.

j)       Seek to ensure that we operate in a strategic manner, mindful of our global alumni across classes. 

k)     Embrace our guidelines, processes, analytics, and KPIs, which are designed to facilitate discussions and decisions and drive sustainability. If any guideline, process, analytic or KPI does not seem appropriate, please speak up and offer suggestions for improvements as we are a learning Board.

l)       Seek to ensure that we operate with a view to sustainability, both financially and board-wise.

i) Financially, keep in mind that we operate on limited funds and people’s time is their investment - be very mindful of both. 

ii) Board-wise, be involved in identifying, recruiting, and involving volunteers & new board members. Encourage appropriate leadership turnover and keep succession planning in mind.

m)   Contribute financially every year to LIAA - at whatever level works.

n)     Take the opportunity to get to know your fellow Board directors and fellow members of the Lauder community.